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Combining soccer training and cultural activities

First camp of its kind in Alberta

Part of the club’s “Notre Langue, Notre Force” project, the SoccArt day camp (Soccer + Art, for a pronunciation close to “soccer”) allows young francophones to perform soccer in their language and to stimulate their artistic creativity.
In collaboration with Le Centre d’Art Visuel de l’Alberta, Francomusik, and Centre de développement musical.

“Have a healthy mind in a healthy body”

During one part of the day, the participants will benefit from soccer training based on the four pillars of player development: Psychological, Technical/Tactical, Physical and Social/Emotional. The other part will be dedicated to cultural and artistic activities to unleash the creativity of the participants. A perfect way to keep them physically and intellectually active during Spring Break.

This unique camp allows participants to:

  • increase opportunities to meet and learn with others outside school,
  • to reinforce social and soccer skills,
  • to develop their cultural knowledge,
  • to acquire new knowledge in various artistic fields,
  • to develop self-esteem.

Live another experience.

SoccArt is a unique day camp that links soccer to different art forms: Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Musical Arts, Literary Arts, Traditional Arts.

  • First camp of its kind in Alberta

  • Art workshops led by a professional

  • Quality trainings

15 spots only

8 to 13 years old

$160Easy payment available.
  • 5 full days of activities
  • Jersey and shorts included
  • Team and Individual pictures
  • Artwork jersey*

*The children’s artwork jersey will be presented at another event. The date will be determined later.


“A jersey story” Workshop – an atwork jersey to reconnect with the past

With the help of a professional, the participants will tell their story and the story of their family in order to reconnect with their past through the creation of a jersey. The young artists will have to give free rein to their imagination and creative desire through different exercises. Each young artist will receive a copy of their unique jersey in a post-camp event.

“Writing & Eloquence” Workshops

Using their own language and words, each participant will write a text that describes their atwork jersey. This will be an opportunity for the youth to learn about writing from the heart, and to put emotions into words. The participants will work on a description of their jersey in the form and style desired: poetry, Slam, Rap, etc. This written activity will allow the children to describe their experience in preparation for the Video Interviews workshop.

“Unusual photos & video interviews” Workshop

At the end of the camp, participants will be asked about their experience of the week through video interviews to create mini testimonial clips. This exercise will give the children the opportunity to develop their concentration, pronunciation, stress management, language and gestures during a speaking exercise. This will be accompanied by an unusual team photo session.

Soccer Sessions

During the afternoons of the week, participants will be introduced to concepts such as mental preparation and goal setting while learning advanced soccer techniques, including positional skills. Training will be based on stamina, as well as consolidation of the basics such as passing, control, dribbling, heading, shooting, and tackling.

Financial assistance

For financial support, check out these programs.



KDJ Construction
French Quarter
Mario Glass
Campus Saint-Jean


Bergeron & Co.
Combined Insurance
CDM Alberta
Le Franco


Eleven Performance