Moving Forward. Together.

Major Partners.


Soccer, a perfect way for integration

“Being together, on and off the field”. We help newcomers’ integration through soccer; however, the spirit of Edmonton Fusion is not limited to simple games or training sessions, it continues far beyond soccer.


Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. As soccer is a team sport, it makes all the players interact with each other. We promote the social integration of both youth and adults from all cultural backgrounds. Newcomers joining Fusion have an additional and unique way to integrate and develop their network with Edmontonians.

The integration of all immigrants is a challenge that depends on the commitment and goodwill of all concerned. The Edmonton Fusion FC offers an ideal context not only with its sporting activities but also with its team life. Soccer unites people from all walks of life, offers challenges, encourages and nurtures camaraderie, and creates solidarity.

  • Promote social diversity and develop language skills

  • Educate and transmit values through sport

  • Engage in physical activity for good physical/mental health

  • Develop intercultural relations and/or skills

  • Enrich their Canadian work experience through volunteering

  • Benefit from short-term employment contracts within the club

Thanks to the multicultural origins of its members and players, newcomers receive real support when they arrive. Meetings, personal and professional networking, volunteering, and assistance with job searches are among the various activities offered by the club.

Are you a Francophone immigrant who is new to Edmonton? Visit our partner and community organizations for a personalized orientation.



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French Quarter
Mario Glass
Campus Saint-Jean


Bergeron & Co.
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Le Franco


Eleven Performance