Despite the pandemic, we continue!

More than two months after its victory in the EDSA outdoor league, Edmonton Fusion FC was back on the indoor fields. With the COVID-19 league rules, Fusion played only 3 games. Meanwhile, the Fusion Academy held its first sessions, and the club was present at the JANA 2020.

Men’s team

To fight the spread of COVID-19, the league has created a modified schedule for this indoor season. Initially, 10 teams were registered, then 8 following the withdrawal of two clubs. This season, games are played back and forth against the same team before a “15-day isolation”. This exceptional season does not stop Edmonton Fusion FC from being focused despite the pandemic: 8-1; 7-0; 3-2. Three games, three wins. The team didn’t give its opponents a chance.

Job Lilango, head coach of Edmonton Fusion FC: “The team is young, really motivated. We played three games, three wins. We’re starting well. With the work, we’re going to finish this way for sure!”

Fusion can count on a strong and serious group at practice. With a good start, the new Fusion captain, who scored 4 goals and top scorer in the division, scored a sumptuous goal with a superb pass from his teammate.


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Academy – Soccer in French

Since October 17, the Fusion Academy has been reopened. Focused on the respect of the rules issued by the Alberta Soccer Association, the sessions allow children to discover or improve their soccer skills. With the practice of sports being more and more restricted, our sessions are a great opportunity for them to stay active. New this season, children can benefit from 4 additional sessions compared to previous years.

Usually, the fall and winter seasons are an opportunity for children to become familiar with futsal. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has restricted access to the gymnasiums, which led the organizers to turn to artificial turf fields. Either way, the children are having fun and learning.

The sessions will end on December 19.

Many thanks to our partners for helping us organize our sessions.

KDJ Construction
French Quarter
Mario Glass
Campus Saint-Jean

Bergeron & Co.
Combined Insurance
CDM Alberta
Le Franco

JANA 2020

On November 6th, during the national week of francophone immigration, the “Welcome Day for Francophone Newcomers” (Journée d’Accueil des nouveaux arrivants francophones) organized by FRAP-PASE was held. Very connected with the Francophone community of the city, the Fusion wishes to continue to build ties with all Francophones. In front of more than 250 people gathered “online”, the President of the club presented the Edmonton Fusion FC with the support of a video made for the occasion.